Co-op Classes
Co-op classes are a time of learning together. Co-op is held on Friday afternoons at Pierceville Federated Church from September-April. We offer different classes each year based on what volunteers are willing to teach. Recently we have had classes in PE, Speech, History, Science, and Missions. The children have been divided into groups by grade: K-1 st, 2ndβ3rd, 4th-6th and 7th - 12th. This is flexible and can be adjusted to help control the group size. We also offer a pre-school class for 3, 4 and 5 year olds. The nursery is provided for children under 3 whose parent is involved in teaching/helping another class.
HPHE co-op is parent taught. Occasionally the group will outsource teaching to expert instructors on an as needed basis. Families must be members or working toward membership in HPHE in order to attend or participate. In order for a child to participate in Co-op classes, one parent is expected to teach or help in some area. This includes nursery, pre-school, or the K - 12th classes. Frequently, special subjects have been taught. Some examples of topics the children have studies in the past are public speaking, photography, Kansas history, creation science studies, finance classes, and CPR/first aid.
For more information, contact Kristy or Leanna at